Sunday, July 31, 2011

It's All Good

I was so relieved on Friday when I saw and heard the fluttering heartbeat of our itty bitty one. I'm so thankful that we still have a baby growing and I am confident all will all be well from here forward. It's been quite nerve racking the last few weeks, I just have to remind myself that I am not in control. Parenting is not an easy job and I already feel a responsibility toward another child even at this very early stage. I'm looking forward to the weeks and months ahead. It is a joy talking with Bailey, our 3 year old, about what is to come and I can only imagine what is in store for the future.  A million "what-ifs" seem to swirl in my thoughts each day reagarding my family, but I know all I can do is live each day as they arrive.  I am so not worthy of the life I've been given with Melody, Bailey and a new one on the way. I'm tremendously grateful for my family and look forward to the days we have ahead.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tomorrow's The Day

Tomorrow we get to see our little one via ultrasound for the first time. I'm a little nervous but I know deep inside all is okay. After tomorrow afternoon I feel like I can actually begin to process a new baby. It may sound weird but I still feel I haven't been able to accept that I am actually going to have a child.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Minor Setback

Today was the day we were supposed to see our new little peanut via ultrasound. Supposed to is the key phrase. While backing out of our driveway this afternoon on our way to the appointment we received a call saying Melody's doctor needed to cancel our appointment. "Oh Joy!"......for those of you who know about our recent issues with this pregnancy, you can imagine our frustration (Check out if you want to read about it.)

Needless to say I was quite irritated and somewhat angry. Melody said she had a feeling this was going to happen after she hung up the phone and I have to say with everything that has taken place thus far this minor setback could have, unfortunately, easily been forseen.

So we must wait yet again until this Friday to actually see our little 2.0. I feel in my heart all is well but the assurance that comes from being able to actually see him or her is much needed for the both of us.

Setting Sail...

As many of you are aware Melody and I are expecting a new download, Estes 2.0, to be released in early March 2012. Since there will be an addition to our family and because I have actually taken an interest in blogging, I thought this would be the perfect time to start. We'll see how often I actually keep things updated. I hope many of you stay connected to our family through my newly found interest:)