Sunday, July 31, 2011

It's All Good

I was so relieved on Friday when I saw and heard the fluttering heartbeat of our itty bitty one. I'm so thankful that we still have a baby growing and I am confident all will all be well from here forward. It's been quite nerve racking the last few weeks, I just have to remind myself that I am not in control. Parenting is not an easy job and I already feel a responsibility toward another child even at this very early stage. I'm looking forward to the weeks and months ahead. It is a joy talking with Bailey, our 3 year old, about what is to come and I can only imagine what is in store for the future.  A million "what-ifs" seem to swirl in my thoughts each day reagarding my family, but I know all I can do is live each day as they arrive.  I am so not worthy of the life I've been given with Melody, Bailey and a new one on the way. I'm tremendously grateful for my family and look forward to the days we have ahead.

1 comment:

  1. I love you and appreciate the love you have for our little growing family. I have NEVER been so relieved as I was when I saw that little flashing heartbeat on that monitor. I thank God every day for both of our babies!
